EUROGLOT reading group series: Africa–EU relations: A postcolonial critique

In alignment with EUROGLOT’s previous series on decolonial and postcolonial perspectives on Europe, including the contested concept of global easts, and building on our joint research initiatives, we are happy to host a reading group series dedicated to Africa–EU relations.

The aim of this online series is to discuss texts that engage postcolonial approaches to researching and analyzing Africa–EU relations, and how this relationship is often framed from within the context of development cooperation and partnerships.

This three-part series is convened by our co-organizer Rahel W. Sebhatu (Malmö University).

First session (2 May):

Sebhatu, R. W. (2020). Applying postcolonial approaches to studies on Africa-EU relations. In T. Haastrup, L. Mah, & N. Duggan (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook on EU-Africa Relations (pp. 38–50). Routledge.

Staeger, U. (2016). Africa-EU Relations and Normative Power Europe: A Decolonial Pan-African Critique. Journal of Common Market Studies54(4), 981–998.

Second session (31 May):

Rutazibwa, O. U. (2010). The Problematics of the EU’s Ethical (Self)Image in Africa: The EU as an ‘Ethical Intervener’ and the 2007 Joint Africa–EU Strategy. Journal of Contemporary European Studies18(2), 209–228.

Orbie, J. (2021). The graduation of EU development studies: towards a post-colonial turn? Global Affairs7(4), 597–613.

Third session (13 June):

Haastrup, T., Duggan, N., & Mah, L. (2021). Navigating ontological (in)security in EU–Africa relations. Global Affairs7(4), 541–557.

Del Biondo, K. (2020). Moving beyond a donor-recipient relationship? Assessing the principle of partnership in the joint Africa–EU strategy. Journal of Contemporary African Studies38(2), 310–329.
