We are pleased to convene a themed track at the 53rd European Studies Conference in Belfast on (en)countering Europe as global, othered, and transperipheral voices. We ask how we might come to ‘speak’ differently about Europe and its many entanglements in the social and political world.
As such, we welcome submissions from all researchers interested in anti/de/neo/postcolonial, critical, feminist, interpretive, Global East, Global South, non-Eurocentric, intersectional, queer, and other heterodox perspectives on Europe, broadly understood. Gesturing to different disciplinary approaches and ontological and epistemological groundings, we would like to particularly welcome and host panels addressing the methodological implications of these research frameworks and to create a kind of kaleidoscopic epistemic opening where we can dialogue with, and learn from, each other across ‘peripheries’.
We’re seeking paper and panel proposals that:
—wrestle with Europe’s (hi)stories of colonialism/coloniality and the oft-sidestepped legacies of imperialism in Eurasia;
—employ interpretivist methodologies and critical approaches to EU policies, integration theories, and external/diplomatic relations; and
—think through the problem of Eurocentrism by amplifying Global South and Global East positionalities and rethinking curricular thought and praxis in European Studies in a globalised academy.
Paper and panel proposals are to be submitted via https://www.conftool.org/uaces2023/. Submissions close on 22 January 2023 at 23:59:59 (UK time).
Please find our full call for papers and panels here.
Our final track programme is available here.