Imperative to persisting within and between (geo)political sites of struggles is the praxis of solidarity.Yet the emancipatory potential of this praxis tends to get robbed by certain discourses and practices of ‘solidarity’, particularly those entrenched within prevailing hierarchies of power and Eurocentric ways of seeing the world.

In what ways can we think differently about solidarity today, not least in the context of anti-imperial resistance movements, wars, the climate crisis, and global economic inequalities? Given the limits and inertia of international solidarity, why is it crucial to think and act solidaristically in transnational ways? How can we genuinely confront and overcome the discomfort that may arise from building allyships by and with people across the so-called South/North and global souths/global easts divides? What might south-to-south solidarities look like? And, as Olivia U. Rutazibwa asks, ‘what if we took autonomous recovery seriously?’

Our RE/THINKING THE GLOBAL SOUTH/S series returns to attempt grappling with these questions in a friendly conversation between peers, as it were by the bonfire. We are grateful to the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations for helping us organise this event at CEU Vienna.
