EUROGLOT reading group series: Revisiting the ‘posts’: between Postcolonialism and Postsocialism

The sudden rupture caused by the fall of the Soviet world and the ensuing attempts to conceptualise the void left after the former ‘Second World’ have prompted questions about the possible links between the (post)socialist and the (post)colonial. Questions about the lives, experiences, histories, and understandings of imperial violence and power, whether capitalist or socialist, remain open. During our next session, we will think about the possible affinities and points of connection between postsocialist and postcolonial discourses. We ask whether and how the intimacies of the two ‘posts’ could be generative of new, radical allyships.  And crucially, ‘what is to be gained by thinking “between the posts”‘? 

Engaging with these questions, the EUROGLOT Research Network at South/South Movement is pleased to organise a reading group session based on the following article: 

Chari, S., & Verdery, K. (2009). ‘Thinking between the posts: Postcolonialism, postsocialism, and ethnography after the Cold War’. Comparative studies in society and history, 51(1), 6-34.

You can find the text here. If you cannot access it, please let us know so we can help you.

This is the second session of a three-part series on the emerging concept of the ‘Global East’, co-convened by Szilvia Nagy and Izabella Wódzka. Building on our previous theme on decolonial and postcolonial perspectives on Europe, we attempt to critically think through this particular epistemic space conceptualised between Global South and Global North.


    Note: The image above is depicting the Latvian Academy of Sciences (Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija) in Riga, Latvia. Modelled on the ‘Seven Sisters’ (a group of seven skyscrapers in Moscow designed in Stalinist style), the building is seen as controversial, as it was financed by ‘voluntary donations’ of the newly established kolkhozes and the salaries of the Latvian rural population. Photo by acediscovery. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.