Jan Orbie is Professor in European Union (EU) External Relations at the Department of Political Science at Ghent University (Belgium). He is a member of the Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES), the Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS), the Human Rights Research Network (HRRN) and the Learning Network on Decolonization at the same university. He researches and teaches about the EU’s global role with a particular focus on critical and normative approaches to EU external trade, social and development policies. He currently (co-)supervises doctoral research projects on the geopoliticization of EU trade policy, the GSP+ system of the EU, the EU’s migration-development nexus, the human-nature divide in EU foreign policies, EU external deforestation policies, sustainable development in EU-Asia trade relations, EU ‘radical’ democracy promotion, financialization in EU development cooperation, and the post-Cotonou partnership agreement. His recent work has engaged with post-development, post-colonial perspectives to the EU in the world.
Within EUROGLOT, Jan is involved as a co-organizer. He is co-convening the research network’s themed track at the 53rd UACES Conference in Belfast.