Antonio Salvador M. Alcazar III

I am a PhD candidate in political studies at Central European University and a visiting research fellow at Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals. My work attempts to critique the European Union’s entanglements as a trade power in world politics. More broadly, I am interested in interpretivism, critical policy studies, decolonial thought and praxis, ASEAN–EU relations, the Philippines’ international relations, and the ‘global souths’ as a political subjectivity.

In a previous life outside academia, I spent six years serving as advocacy officer at the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines and as EU outreach consultant for a European Commission project on supporting EU small and medium enterprises in Southeast Asian markets.

With Taraf Abu Hamdan, I have co-founded South/South Movement. I have also co-initiated with Szilvia Nagy the EUROGLOT Research Network: (En)countering Europe as Global, Othered & Transperipheral Voices.

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