Handbook on “Doing EU Studies Otherwise: Colonialism, Empire and Race” Editors: Rosalba Icaza, Beste İşleyen , Jan Orbie, Siddharth Tripathi
Recent attempts to decenter, diversify and pluralize “EU studies” have failed to take seriously questions of colonialism, empire and race. The handbook aims to close this gap by offering critiques and alternatives advanced by de/postcolonial scholarship on key aspects of the European Union. The idea is to create a resource for teaching/doing EU/European studies otherwise as an alternative to dominant Eurocentric narratives that are institutionalist, technocratic and self-referential in kind. It will thus serve as one of the main reference books for scholarly research, for teaching at undergraduate and graduate level and for practitioners working in the field of EU/European Studies.
The handbook intends to expose its readership to alternative epistemologies, ontologies and methodologies to critically evaluate the EU’s place in the world. It aims to be disruptive in formats and invites contributions incorporating both academic forms of knowledge creation and non-academic forms of knowledge creation including poetry, dialogues, manifestos and visual expressions. We strive to have a diverse group of contributors originating from the Global South/Global East in the broadest sense, thus having either origins in these regions, a strong educational background or considerable experience in working in these regions. In addition, we want to carefully combine experienced scholars with emerging scholars on EU/European studies.
We welcome contributions that broadly consider the following themes:
- Curriculum
- Race and Racialization
- Europe’s Internal Others
- History of the European Project
- Thinking Europe Otherwise
- Methodologies and Praxis
- Disciplining EU studies
Alternative proposals that do not fit neatly within these categories, especially those engaging with non-traditional formats of knowledge creation, are also welcome. For further information, please see the complete call for contributions here.
The Handbook proposal is currently under consideration with Routledge, which has shown a clear interest in this publication.
Please send your abstracts (250-300 words) and a short bio (100-150 words) to doingeuotherwise@gmail.com by March 25, 2024 . Accepted contributions will be informed in mid-April and invited to submit the first draft of the chapters by 1st November, 2024.